Well, swivel my shillelagh and call me Seamus. Meet Mason Munn, a wee lad from Northern Ireland, born on 30th March 2006 who now thinks he's the bee's knees because he's made it to the ripe old age of 18. This sprightly young peacock now finds himself minding the goal at Rangers, of all places. He's indeed grown to be quite the imposing figure, what with standing at a whopping 6 foot 3 (1.91m for you lot in Europe) and lugging around a weighty 12 stone 1 pound (77kg, for those preferring a more continental flavour).
Just to add insult to injury, they've lumbered him with the much-coveted number 54 jersey. '54', I hear you say? Aye, because nothing screams 'footballing legend' quite like the number 54.
In a turn of events that may well have caused his heart to leap out of his up-to-then under-utilised goalkeeper jersey, our young man actually featured in the 2024-2025 Scottish Cup for Rangers. And here's the kicker: he wasn't even warming the bench. No, dear readers, Mason actually started a game. A single, solitary game. One can only hope he had the time of his life.
It's sad to say that our young Mason didn't spend any time with the hallowed Celtic Football club, but never mind lad, there's always the future.