About Celtic news now

Celtic news for Internet Bampots...

Celtic news now gathers news, podcasts, videos and other content about Celtic into one handy little app and website.

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the app, written a review, and shared the link with friends and family.

I’d love to get your feedback on the app – positive or negative – and any ideas you have for new features.

Hail Hail

Ownership & News Policy

The Celtic news now app and official website Celticnewsnsow.com are owned and operated by David Kelly Design Office Ltd, which is registered in Scotland at 63 Main Street, Glasgow G73 2JH. Company Registration No: SC283196.

Celtic news now aggregates summary news content from a wide range of publishers, which are clearly identified as the source of the content, with a link to the full, original article or media on the publisher's own website.

Publishers whose content falls below the standards required of publishers on relevant news platforms will be removed. If you have any questions, please email David Kelly at [email protected].